Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You don't like bongos;I like bananas.

I was out walking with Kelly.  We were in a rather deep interesting conversation, walking along Bardstown Road.  These guys we passed were having an animated conversation and as we passed this guy piped up with this phrase " You don't like bongos; I like bananas."  It was just such an odd phrase, and without context it was even odder.  I think it would be an interesting band name or start to a short movie.  

Anyway I wanted to write it down.  At one point one of my friend's band's website had a quote of the week posted on it.  The quote often had an inside joke associated with it but it was still fun.  hearing this random phrase on the road made me think of it and how much fun we had with it.  I need some silly fun right now.  I just jumped off a cliff as far as my financial stability goes.  This was not the time to quit my job without another one lined up already, but I did.  
Wish me luck.  

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